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Hiking Camden's Mount Battie

Text & Photography by Tom Richardson
View of Camden Harbor from the summit of Mount Battie.

If you’re looking for good way to stretch your legs while visiting Camden, Maine, take the short hike up scenic Mount Battie (height 780 feet) in nearby Camden Hills State Park.

To reach the main trailhead, head north up Main Street (Rte. 1) through town, hang a left on Mountain Street (Rte. 52) then turn right on Megunticook Street. You’ll find the parking area and trailhead at the end of the street. A second trailhead can be found about a half-mile farther west on Rte. 52, on the right. To download a trail map, visit Maine Parks Information.


The Mount Battie trailhead is just a short walk from downtown Camden.

The first trail is rather steep in places, but short, and suitable for children age four and above. Most reasonably fit hikers will make it to the summit in about an hour. The second trail is less steep, and easily tackled by kids.

At the top you’ll find an exposed granite ledge that offers sweeping, unobstructed views of Camden Harbor and Penobscot Bay (barring any fog, of course). On a clear day, you can even see Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park.

Restrooms and an observation tower are also located at the summit.