
2024 MassAudubon Bird-A-Thon Coming Up

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher. Photo Tom Richardson

MassAudubon will hold its popular annual Bird-a-thon competition and fundraiser on May 10-11, 2024. For 40 years, the two-day event has brought birders, nature-lovers, and families together to celebrate nature and raise funds that provide year-round support for Mass Audubon’s conservation, education, and advocacy work.

This year, MassAudubon is making it easier to participate. Individuals can join one of 12 teams to take part in a series of birding competitions. Team members can fundraise for a team, donate to a favorite team, join a Bird-a-thon program, or all of the above.

Check the latest guidelines and awards for this year, and find out how to join a team.

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