
NH Fish & Game Proposes Controversial Trout Rules Changes

Brook trout. Photo Tom Richardson

The New Hampshire Fish & Game Department recently introduced proposed rules changes that could greatly affect trout fishing in the state for 2025, leaving the fly-fishing community confused and angry.

If approved, the new regulations would effectively eliminate “Fly Fishing Only” (FFO) waters in the state. In other words, waters that currently can only be fished with flies would be open to all artificial lures (ALO), including spoons, swimming plugs, and jigs, which are considered more effective than flies and would increase the overall fishing pressure on trout, according to fly-fishing advocates and some conservation groups.

Another controversial rule change would allow a two-fish limit on all ALO waters.

Trout ponds that were previously designated as “Fly Fishing Only” would have a closing date of September 7. The general trout and salmon season for all waters of the state would close on September 30.

The Fish & Game Commission will hold two informational meetings where the proposed rules changes will be presented in detail to the public. The first is at Fish & Game headquarters in Concord, NH (Tuesday, 8/27 at 6 PM) and the second meeting will be held at the Fish & Game Region 1 headquarters in Lancaster, NH (Wednesday, 8/28 at 6 PM). Concerned anglers can also contact their local Fish & Game Commissioner to voice their opinion.

The proposed changes can be viewed ahead of the meetings by visiting https://www.wildlife.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt746/files/inline-documents/proposedfishingchangesdraft.pdf.

Written comments on the proposed changes may be submitted up until Midnight, September 6, 2024, by mail to Executive Director, New Hampshire Fish & Game Department, 11 Hazen Dr., Concord, NH, 03301; faxed to (603) 271-5829; or emailed to comments@wildlife.nh.gov.




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