Dear Advertiser,
First, I want to thank you for your business. No matter how we find ourselves living in the next few months, one thing is certain: We’re all in this together.
Our businesses, Visit New England, Explore New England, New England Boating, and New England Fishing, are operating; we are working every day. When this crisis is over…and it will be… we will do what it takes to help you restore activity at your business. Even as all of us are adjusting to spending time apart, VNE/ENE is working hard to build and support our community.
Here are some updates and new pages that will bring you up-to-date on Visit New England and Explore New England digital, video, and television marketing opportunities. Keep this information at hand for when you plan post-crisis advertising. Visit New England advertiser renewals will include additional exposure at no added cost.
We are not removing any current advertising on our websites. We will be reaching out to you to inform you about what we know and to learn how we may help bring your business back to up to speed. As the crisis passes, we will all help each other.
Jonathan Lhowe,
Publisher, Visit New England
CEO, Explore New England
Early in 2019 Visit New England merged with newly created Explore New England
In April, 2019 Explore New England Media LLC acquires New England Boating, New England Fishing and New England Golf & Leisure
In 2019 Explore New England produced our inaugural film Seeking The Source, currently on NESN. Sponsored by: The North Country Chamber of Commerce, and Bangor Savings Bank
If you have never used Visit New England to drive traffic, impressions, and conversions for your business this is the year to do it. Let our team and our platform go to work for you, trust us it really works.
Online since 1996, is the region’s largest independent travel website. By matching your services and amenities with advertising listings on topic specific pages VNE delivers viewers actively seeking your traveler-supported business.